Twisted Essentials

The Engine Stirs…

A switch is flicked; a lever pulled.

Who dares disturb its slumber?

Grinding gears creak forward; primordial pistons pump once again.

Who seeks to defend its secrets?

Steam hisses through ancient pipes as long-forgotten Nodes rumble back to life. Questing Factions unearth arcane knowledge, twisting it to their own ends.

The Engine stirs…Who is brave enough to challenge its power?

Twisted Essentials

The Engine Stirs…

A switch is flicked; a lever pulled.

Who dares disturb its slumber?

Grinding gears creak forward; primordial pistons pump once again.

Who seeks to defend its secrets?

Steam hisses through ancient pipes as long-forgotten Nodes rumble back to life. Questing Factions unearth arcane knowledge, twisting it to their own ends.

The Engine stirs…Who is brave enough to challenge its power?

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